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Relief & Crisis work

The stateless Rohingya

During the past several years, photographer David Verberckt has been documenting the plight of the Rohingya Muslim ethnic minority by capturing their dire everyday life.

This story contains graphic content and viewers discretion is advised.

Since October 2016, tens of thousands of Muslim Rohingya people have fled Myanmar, mainly crossing by land into Bangladesh, and those who can manage, turn to the sea to flee towards Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. This recent surge in refugees results from a long-building crisis caused by the discriminatory policies of the Myanmar government in Rakhine state for decades. The plight of the Rohingya is further exacerbated by the reluctant responses of Myanmar’s neighbors to act and their inability and unwillingness to handle the influx of asylum seekers.

The continuous decimation of the Rohingya by the South-East Asia area governments, their mistreatment and continuous discrimination against them are crimes against humanity happening even as we speak.

During the past several years, David has been documenting the plight of the Rohingya Muslim ethnic minority by capturing their dire everyday life in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the South-East Asia region. Portraying them as human beings deprived of their social, civil and human rights which are so often taken for granted in western society.

Following the attack on police and military checkpoints that left 9 people dead in October 2016, a vast military security operation has been ongoing in northern Rakhine State targeting the Rohingya Muslim minority. Those security operations amount in most cases to crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, where rape, abduction, summary killings, torture and unlawful imprisonment are common.

This current wave of extreme violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority is not the first one. Successive violent crackdowns have taken place in 1978, 1991, 2008 and in 2012 with systematic mass exodus towards Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (during the seventies and eighties), Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia as a result. It is the first large scale crackdown under a democratically elected government in Myanmar though.

Meanwhile, security restrictions against the Rohingya minority in the rest of Rakhine State and the internment camps around Sittwe have been even further intensified as well as repression. Access for humanitarian aid and independent media has been all but impossible in northern Rakhine and severely restricted in the camps, in the build up to the military operations and their aftermath. What is described as camps for internal displaced persons around the city of Sitttwe is nothing short of open-air concentration camps where approximately 120,000 Rohingya live without possibility of leaving the camps or having access to proper basic healthcare, education, food and work.

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"My intention is to give them a face and increase the awareness of their plight and bring to our attention the too often unnoticed humanitarian crisis and ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya. "
David Verberckt

In Bangladesh, their situation is very precarious. The Rohingya live in squalid conditions, are unwanted and are mostly un-registered as refugees which means they do not have access to basic commodities, humanitarian aid, healthcare, education and work. Out of the more than half a million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh now, less than 10% are officially registered as refugees. Latest arrivals from Myanmar are utterly traumatized, having no shelter and no psychological support. They dwell in newly self-made camps and form an endless community of mainly women alone with little children, having no news from family left behind or lost along the expulsion trail.

The situation of the Rohingya refugees in other countries varies. In Pakistan, where the 300,000 strong Rohingya community in Karachi is relatively well integrated, they still face problems to obtain documents and consequently the access to proper education and labor, although most were born in Pakistan as their parents and grandparents arrived there from Burma and East-Pakistan (nowadays Bangladesh) in the seventies.
30,000 Rohingya refugees fled or were trafficked into India, where their situation and living conditions are very similar to those in Bangladesh. They are locked in a situation of bonded labor that borders to slavery at the hands of their traffickers/human smugglers.

In Thailand, about 10,000 are scattered around the country and most of them have been living there for 20-30 years. However, some victims of the 2015 Rohingya boat people that ended up in traffickers’ camps in southern Thailand are now in administrative detention and await for re-settlement in third countries.

Malaysia has been for the past 20 years the main country of destination for Rohingya fleeing persecution in Myanmar. More than 150,000 live now in Malaysia. Although their situation is far from being good and acceptable compared to standards set for the hosting of refugees, they have more opportunities to find jobs in wholesale markets and construction and as such support their families at home.

The few thousand Rohingya stranded in Indonesia are in total limbo and waiting for many years before being re-settled to other countries. Most of them were caught up trying to reach Australia and turned back to Indonesia. They are strictly forbidden to work in Indonesia being completely dependent on UNHCR handouts to survive. Most of them have been in this situation for 5-7 years.

These images are raising awareness and have already been used for various Rohingya causes by Rohingya organisations, including the documentation for claims against war crimes. Visual documentation like this are important to bring attention to the international community and consequently bring in more resources and skills to deal with this humanitarian crisis.

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This story does not end here. Helping the

displaced Rohingya people worldwide

will require your action too.

After sharing this story and helping spread awareness about their plight, you can:

-Write to you local Myanmar embassy or consulate condemning their treatment of the Rohingya populations.

-Volunteer and donate to your local area Rohingya organisations. Google "Rohingya organisations (insert your location here)"

-Donate to humanitarian organisations such as the UNHCR, UNICEF and MEDAIR, working on the ground in South east Asia to welcome refugees and give them Basic shelter, and medical care.

This story was brought to you thanks to the good people at

Print Art

and their commitment to

enabling photographers to share their story in print.
